Even the people who choose this life path to play the role of the villain are here for the purpose of being our healers. 

As paradoxical as this may seem it is the truth. They didn’t come in to work on their self and to expel their own darkness but instead came in to trigger the hidden hurts of the people who choose to utilize this life span as a means to heal our soul linage and the linage of the human race. Without the triggers we would not have a way to locate the repressed pain and coping mechanisms and emotional patterns. 

Big shifts occur out of times of harsh conditions, for example on a global level the experiences of the holocaust brought about a lot of grief and loss and in return people felt their feelings and it led many into unity. The Great Depression brought about a space of fear for survival and people had the opportunity to work through past life or linage healing through the experience of their time and a lot of people came together and began to cultivate resources.

If you have been placed into a family of origin that provided a harsh childhood chances are pretty high that you choose to utilize this life time to claim the family shadows and to work through your own inner darkness from the harsh and painful experiences and in turn you clear the whole.

We are at a very interesting time, it is a time of a great awakening, the energies of the collective are pushing us into facing our shadows, instead of letting shadow projections scare you into shutting down utilize the triggers as a means for freeing yourself and in return it clears it for humanity. 

We all have many roles that we play, sometimes we are the villain and sometimes we are the saint, it isn’t necessarily fixed. Take each experience and dig deep inside and instead of making it about the people who appear to be hurting you or bringing you happiness utilize the experiences as locating the inner density or your own inner joy and extract the poison or the passion into your Life giving Elixir. This will assist you with the marriage of the inner twin or the yin/yang, balance and harmony. 

Life is not happening to us but through us and it is always 💯 percent of the time delivering exactly what we are ready to face and meeting our needs. 
