If you have a dream that is planted with a burning radiance deep within you heart you will be given everything that you need that is necessary to bring it into fruition.

The trick is within overcoming your limited ability to perceive the magnitude in which your dream can be supported and all of the support that is all around you awaiting your recognition.

As humans we get caught in the trap of somehow believing we have to “FIGURE” out the HOW when in truth the how isn’t your worry, it is Gods and Source God has the entirety of the Universe to utilize as your support system.

Your job is to get into the energy and flow of your dream with a forward moving momentum with a high level of enjoyment that you feel as if it is already complete while keeping the wonderment of it growing and expanding.yet discerning the opportunities that are presented to you as options as each one is presented to you.

Here is a tried and true formula that has been used by Others such as Henery Ford when he was given the dream of the Model T. Bob Proctor when he was given the dream of creating retreats and seminars and of Earnest Nightengale that brought into fruition several books and teachings way back through the ages with some of his earliest work begining in 1920′ somethings.

to begin you attain a declaration.

“I (insert your name), DECLARE, that I will open (insert your dream) a luxurious Healing center by (add a believable date) that is created perfect for me by The Divine plan for my life, I will provide (action step) one example (excellent care for clients that are magnetized and aligned to me and are ready to receive what I offer at the level I am prepared to deliver to them within the highest quality right now.” “DELIVER THIS OR SOMETHING GREATER!” “Thank you, thank you, thank you, so it is and so it be.”

Write this on an index card and hang it in areas you will look at and read atleast every morning upon rising and each evening as retiring into sleep.and Carry a copy in your purse or wallet. 

Next each evening write 6 action steps for the next day that will assist you into moving forward within your dream.

Here is a list of ideas for the manifesto above.

1. Check email and voicemails and respond. To each one that requires attention.
2. Create introduction for community healing event.
3. Secure location for up-coming energy healing event.
4. Write bullet point presentation for event.
6. List the public event on FB and Meet up.

(create a new list each day, it can be less then 6 just no more as it is easier to keep excitement if not over stacked with TODO lists)

start at # 1 and do not go to #2 until #1 is complete and so forth and so on. Your action steps DO NOT have to be large simple actions keep focus and build to the momentum of your dream..

everyday reaffirm your manifesto atleast twice a day, once in the morning at waking and before bed as you turn in for the night. Remember to include GRATITUDE, graduate is a huge opening into the manifestation of a REALLY GREAT LIFE, this or something greater, this or something greater, THIS or SOMETHING Greater..

be mindful of who you share your dream with because each person you share it with will either build to the excitement of it or build to the doubt of it and having other people’s energies tangled into your dream can either create a tapestry that is Easier or harder for you to keep the momentum in your actions and attitude as you are in action moving forward.. Choose wisely!!!

