The voice of fear is incredibly predictable. Although there are endless variations on the theme, in one way or another it always says, “Play small and be safe.” But one of the things I’m most passionate about is this: Feeling confident and safe to create a life we love is not about getting rid of our fears. They are an integral part of our human operating system. It’s human nature to be afraid. Most often we’re afraid of being hurt and feeling unloved. It is a part of our make-up to be afraid of the unknown; to be afraid of the future. And yet we don’t have to allow these fears to keep us repeating the same patterns and making the same choices over and over again. We can stop, turn toward them, and look more deeply. When we meet them head-on, they no longer have the power. We do.
What is underneath your fear? What’s deeper than the fears you tend to consciously focus on? Is it fear of being vulnerable, or fear of surpassing someone you love by succeeding in your own life? Perhaps it’s fear of being abandoned or rejected? When we look deeply, we see that the real problem isn’t that we get rejected (or abandoned, hurt or humiliated) by others. The problem is what we do to ourselves when we get rejected. The problem is what we say to ourselves. The sharper pain comes from what we make it mean about us when these things happen. We are much harder on ourselves than life is. But that can change, right here and right now.
A recipe for feeling safe in the face of fear:
1. Consider what would be possible in your life if you quietly proclaimed, “I will love myself no matter what others say or do. I will care for myself no matter what happens.” Imagine how safe you could feel with that level of commitment, tenderness and compassion for yourself.
2. When making a decision and preparing to take action, remember to ask yourself: Is this an act of faith, or is it an act of fear? Standing on an internal platform of faith allows a deep sense of safety to blossom, trust to grow and courage to expand. As you practice loving your insecurities and having faith in the universe, bigger possibilities open up, miracles happen, and before you know it, you’re living the best year of your life!
I invite you to freedom ❤️ I truly love you All… Kristy Lee