“Life is like a colidascope, its constantly Shifting shapes, Patterns & Form, find the beauty, it is aBundant and ever present”
πŸ’œkristy Lee

I have been searching for answers in regards to the law of mirrors for a very long time. I love to map my past experiences in a way of understanding what mindset created my experiences and what mindsets changed my experiences dramatically. I began having very clear vision into mapping relationships and mindsets for others for the last few years, this week I had this most profound ah’ha” moment delivered with clarity like never before, I am excited to have more clarity and to share it with you. If this concept seems like stuff that seems a bit far fetched to grasp ahold of the concept, I can promise you that if you set the intention to know the truth and to understand your experiences at a higher dimensional level, higher truth principles will begin to be understandable for you too…
some of you may already have this completely understood, I am excited and hope you share too… here is what I received a little more clarity within.. remember we are all on earth to learn. No one has all of the answers, but, we all have some. 

You are only ever in relationship with your own consciousness, by resolving the conflict within yourself, you resolve the conflict within the way that you perceive the person you are in conflict with. Nothing is ever occurring outside of consciousness.

All relationships are within your own concepts, projections, reflections, conditions, values, ideas, perceptions and within the way you interpret it.

If you want to have great relationships, resolve the misconception within yourself in any way you view others in any way that is less than Divine. In order to see lasting shifts it has to be a deep inner shift, it takes true and honest soul searching, reframe the way you view others, see others with Divine love, pure love, unconditional love, this is the what frees you from conflict and you become free.

This doesn’t mean to drop boundaries or not to hold others accountable, it’s about choosing the way you view others. It’s more in Transformation within your relationship with yourself and as a result you will see remnants of the way you treat yourself mirrored back to you within the people you connect with.

It only takes ONE to see through the eyes of Love and truth to change the All.. people can only ever reside within the size of a box that you place them within, if you release the box and see others with the perfection of INFINITE LOVE, you will then witness them within the eyes of INFINITE Loved PERFECTION πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ

You are always only experiencing others through the lens of your perception, therefore experiencing different dimensions of others based on the dimension of you’re perception and the way to experience others in the higher dimensions is by changing the relationships within yourself and the way you see them.. you are powerful and hold this kind of power, it just takes an earnest effort and deep soul work, but it is possible.. πŸ’œπŸ’œπŸ’œ