Has it ever occurred to you that judgements simply places you into a box with others who share similar judgments and that somehow by sharing the same judgments an error of arrogance is created as you place yourself “above” that which you judged?
On a energetic level, that which you judged created just another confinement or box of self restraint and limitations from a energetic stair case that somehow fed your ego into climbing into a place of “better then” is this in fact serving your elevation?
Wonder if instead of judgement you where able to perceive that someone else’s choices or state of being, opinions or perceptions that are different from yours is simply interesting?
What if you choose to Shift from blame, shame, wrong, clown or look down upon and instead simply observe with an awareness of “interesting point of perception?”
How can you choose to judge others less today?
Much love to you all,
Kristy Lee