Pain in your neck or back is your spine’s way of letting you know that something is wrong.
Think of pain as a ‘warning system’ to your brain, a signal that a part of your body requires attention.
Sometimes the signal is intense to let your body know that it must change something urgently.
In most cases however, the pain starts as a dull ache, or nagging feeling which over time becomes more insistent and intrusive. Your brain is receiving the message but it has put it on the back burner running it through the processors that control the release of stress hormones and emotions.
Its as if your body is saying:
“I’m not in immediate danger … but you might want to take a look at this when you have a minute!”
It’s an invitation to take a look at the way you feel and what you might be stuffing or ignoring, areas that you need support but are not sure how to ask for it or sometimes might not know who can or would help…
Some of you may have heard my testimony of being healed from a broken back and my journey into recognizing what created it. I can honestly say that during the period of time prior to it breaking I was experiencing tremendous stress and feeling extremely alone, I didn’t know who to ask for help and I needed it badly. After it went out on me and I was placed into a position where I had no choice but to ask for help I began to heal!!! The irony right?

i live a full life with perfect back health. The revelation that came through my own healing has been powerful at assisting others to arrive at perfect health too.. healing is here for everyone, it’s simply about letting the message be delivered and accepting a shift..