“Let this place be a chance for miracles in the lives of millions of people – where tears turn into smiles, desperation turns into hope, dullness turns into creativity and hatred turns into love.”
Kristy Lee assists people who are struggling with issues ranging from money blocks to loneliness to poor health. If you feel you are doing all the right things but still get no results, Kristy can zero in on the blocks, whether they are recent ones, from your childhood or even from a past life. With guidance from your Akashic Records /Book of Life and energetic healing on a Soul level You will be assisted with breaking through your blocks, clear emotional pain, fear and Karmic loops to help you bring balance, harmony and confidence into your life.
Ask better questions to shift your outer world…
The power of creating new possibilities comes from the magical effect that questions have on our lives. The kind of questions we ask ourselves consistently have an affect on the quality of our lives. If you ask yourself “Why is my life so horrible?” you will get lots...
Doors open for a younG man who saID “yes” to healing…
Kathleen and I just heard testimony of a young mans life being restored after a long run of chaos, he spoke of surrendering into all of his fears and then opening up to the goodness of Creator to open doors and pour out miracles, he had been holding onto a unaligned...
Answering inbox questions..
I have recently received a few inbox messages where the question has arisen about what it means when someone talks or writes about unconscious awareness, being present and living in the now, it may also be something that you are questioning or wondering about also. I...
Akoshik record sessions helps you realize how your Soul Contracts can create and affect your relationships; how unknown Karma may act as a block to happiness in your life and how past life vows can hold you back. You will be able let go of your accumulated emotional pain, from both past and current lives.
During Akashic Healing Sessions you will receive divine clearing energy to support you in releasing long-standing Karma loops, clear past life Vows that hold you in stuck patterns and learn about soul contract that are ready to released.
We work with releasing heavier energies may appear as anger, grief, feelings of being rejected, and any energies that have created a feeling of being blocked stopped or stuck months or years after a relationships ends.
We clear and release energy around:
Soul contracts that are complete but feel stuck
Vows / contracts of povery
Vows/ contracts of marterdrom
Vows / contracts of failed Relationship
Vows / contracts of family discordance (death, foster homes, addiction, family feuds)
Vows / contracts of self defeating behaviors
Vows of love such as “I will love you forever” but find it’s not a good fit in this life
Clear childhood programs of Co-dependency where on family wants that for us
Release energy of low self-esteem
Clear heart chakra and emotional chakra to function in present time, bring soul into the body
Counter party contracts, mirrors etc
And so much MORE
most importantly is to learn how NOT to create future vows and contract.. and what to do if you do..
Wheels of lights powerful 6 step process. move through being stuck and STAGNANT within any area of your life: money, Relationships, Employment, extra weight, Dark Night of your soul, Love, Self Destructive Patterns, Addiction, Depression
1. Name it
2. Claim It
3. Surrender
4. Release
5. Willingness
6. Receive
Book your session today and let me teach You how to use thIs pOwerful system In your life, break through your walls of resistance and walk into your promised land, Live A life of freedom, totally supported and full of abundance.
Kristy Lee
Star Fire Mojo’s came into existence after years of Kristy Lee speaking out short little powerful sayings that open up the energies for MIRACLES to occur, and 💯’s of testimonies from people.. all over the world..
“I receive calls and messages from people all over the world wanting me to drop them a Star Fire Mojo and often hear “you need to record that for me so I can access it and play it when ever I feel like this!”
We listened to your requests.
Star Fire Mojo’s -have arrived. Be prepared to experience miracles, joy, good laughs, happiness and more freedom. Star Fire Mojo’s work!
3,2,1… click the link bellow to get your recordings at the Star Fire Mojo’s Store.. let your magic begin.. yay!
The Mojo’s are short, maybe three to a little over four minutes and are designed to be listened to over and over again for added benefit. many people have reported that they feel the energetic impact of these Mojos. You might feel coolness, warmth or even a little tingly, many even report, laughter, joyfulness, peace and many experience miracles. Blessings for you to receive a super great life and heavenly blessings galore! Star Fire, Star Fire Mojo’s it is…
“The other day Kristy offered to read my handwriting. She came back to me really quickly with her reading and it was spot on. AND some of the things she told me have helped me to clarify some things that are happening for me in my every day life. I really appreciated the reading and Kristy for taking the time to do this for me.
Many many thanks. So if you are thinking of getting Kristy to read your handwriting say YES…. Just do it.
Margeret Saunders
Kristy just did a handwriting analysis/in depth characterisation of who I am based on the letters in my name and how I write.
Mind blown 💣💥
It put some pieces together that helped me focus even more intently on certain goals, while providing insight as to what my strengths are and areas of spirituality that may need some continued healing!
I had no idea that our names, based on letters, play a significant part in our personality and Divine purpose!
Everything happens for a reason is even more intense than I ever knew before!
I highly recommend getting one of these done and weaving it into a healing package with Kristy Lee!
You WON’T regret it!!!
She will help you shift and level up and you will gain what seems like “insider information” into the amazing miracle that is YOU!
She amazes me constantly!!!
Stephanie Collette Quackenbush