My journey into spirituality was birthed during a fall from grace so to speak where I hit one of my lowest rock bottoms, it has been the catalyst that litterally shook me to my core and broke me apart just enough to propell forth the BEGINNING of what I refer to as Awakening. It shook my entire world, making me question every facit of reality, I can just about bet that your awakening has created similar shifts of your realities too, where many of YOU have left or are considering career path changes AND often times much of the foundation and basis of your belief and value systems, for me my entire life has changed and continues to be quite fluid, including family, friends and societal opinions and positions, shifting my career path too from the more contemporary western world, of psychology / Social Service field and into exploring energy work, consciousness and spirituality.
We probably will find many similarities within our life’s and some of our experiences, such as childhood traumas that may have left a mark and possibly opened many of questions to humans existence, including religious differences, educational structure, political questions and health kind of stuff too. For the majority of people, our Human experiences haven’t all been easy, and require a lot of tender loving care with different stages of healing and intigration. I am not coming from the space of a victim nor am I encouraging you to, as I truly believe every one of our experiences are what shapes us and some of our most difficult experiences become our greatest strengths.
With a willingness to search a little bit deeper we can choose to give one another more mercy and grace, and what has helped me shift into this perspective with more ease has been through getting more real with myself by examining and choosing to recognize and admit that some of my choices have also created disharmony for my children and other people who have been a part of my experiences. I am sure if we where all to be perfectly honest, we could admit that we have all created and or co-created experiences that have left an emotional mark on others and ourselves. Staying in the rehash of it all isn’t necessarily healthy, however, healing is found within our experiences and there is a lot of wisdom and pearls of great price awaiting to be mined and put forth into great assistance in our lives. Extending this out towards what might be discovered through the process I am sharing with you and to all beings evolved in any of humanities existence.
Chaotic order is catalyst upon our planet and many may even hit ROCK BOTTOM, creating more and more to AWAKEN, just do your best to remember that it is an invitation, as our world may shake and break apart areas that are not of service to us and the opening of new doorways that with a little bit of a willingness, can and will open the world of possibilities and brand new wonder in ways that we might not yet know as possible or have the ability to perceive.
If you have began AWAKENING, be mindful that it occurs in stages and most likely will continue to realize that some of what You find is super amazing and some of what we find might just LEAD to many rabbit holes and at times offers a little bit of a coming into a greater understanding of the conditions in which humanity was formed and some of the ways in which the Earth Plain and all beings have been under a dark and deceptive force of control for eons, and a lot of you are awakening into realizing that you truly have the POWER to shift your experiences and to CREATE a super awesome life for yourself and all of creation.
No matter what stage of your human experience you are within or what ever expression you might show up in, I honor you, I truly believe that we need one another, through our sharing of our experiences, we assist one another, we all hold valuable keys and each one of us are created for a very special purpose, we may even discover that it is of no accident you are here right now reading this article and it could actually be a pretty cool beginning to some pretty cool future experiences that we may co-create in the future.
I choose to share this with you as a way to connect into more of our humanness and to offer support for one another as I open the door into a little about me on a more personal level. My experiences is what birthed this proses that I am offering to you and it has helped me along my path, I have shared this process with others and they have reported positive results in the ways it has been of assistance to them also.

There are many effective tools that can assist you, and as you begin to more fully ground and anchor your consciousness to the higher vibrational dimensions, this process will help to take care of being more free with less manipulation from less then loving influence and can guide you into claiming your sovereignty with a cleaner energy field and physical body.
Remember to check into your inner most being and heart space for guidance. Do your best to choose what feels right to you. Not only before beginning this process but with any new process. Ask yourself questions that will guide you to your highest truth.
I suggest that you read over the process first, if you agree, wonderful, if not, wonderful, and also if you want to switch up the words a little bit that is perfect to, what ever you choose, I trust is perfect for you, if you decide to do the process, I would love for you to share your experiences with me and if you have questions I will do my best to answer.
One more thing I wanted to mention, even though we may find things about our Human experiences that feel pretty crappy, we don’t have to let it RUINE our life or even stay stuck or live powerlessly, we can choose to create a much more loving and peaceful conditions for ourselves and for all of humanity, I invite you to do your best and I promise to continue to do mine, thank you.
Here is the process: many blessings to you..
Through the Great I AM that I AM that is inside me, I state from my TRUEST and HIGHEST most Divine Essence AND BEING from Prime Source of ALL beings the Source of I AM that I AM, that I AM Sovereign, I AM Free. I AM standing fully in my POWER AND AUTHORITY OF my FREE WILL.
Now and immediately, I STEP Fully into my Sovereignty as per The Law of One and under my FREE WILL as a Being on this planet in this NOW and immediately MOMEMT and DECLARE, as per my BIRTH RIGHT as a BEING OF EARTH MOTHER the Universe, the multi verse and beyond.
I COMMAND, CLEAR, transmute and Delete, Releasing any and ALL less then loving energies, Illusions or Dilusions, any confusion or misconceptions or mis perceptions that may be pertaining to any and all separation, illness, greed, suppression, repression , poverty and distruction and fully disconnect any and ALL of MY ENERGY from ALL lower vibrational timelines, realities, grids, past, present, future, parallels, DNA, RNA, known and unknown and declair that I no longer agree to be connected or attached to any or all of THEM, clearing, transmuting and DELETING ALL LESS THEN LOVING INFLUENCE, KNOWN AND UNKNOWN.
I release in full acceptance Understanding, being grateful for the experiences of my descension into Earths plain of any and all separation and forgetting and all the lessons, strength and courage of my being that these experiences granted.
I open my Heart as I anchor to
my higher dimensional timelines as I travel within my spiritual evolution.
I clear, cancel and delete all contracts and/or agreements known and unknown, copycat and counterfeit copies, mirrors and all back ups, that I have made with any entity, guide, or being, known and unknown in this timeline and in ALL timelines, realities and dimensions, past, present, future, parallels, DNA, RNA and across All That IS, that are not For The Highest Good and are no longer of service to me and are out of alignment with my soul’s purpose in this NOW Moment.
I Release ALL FALSE TWIN flame contracts and illusions, and align fully with my Divine Masculine and feminine energies, balancing and harmonizing the right and left hemispheres of my brain and deleting all theta wave programs that-is -ruling
my life and experiences in a way that is of less then love.
I do this With total and complete releasing of all outcome.
I CALL FORTH and request to be Shifted into alignment with my Soul Family, Rainbow Family or other sentient beings from my home planet as per the purest and Highest Divine Contracts with Prime Source Creator that WHERE created to assist in anchoring infinite timelines of expansion and creation with no interference, as per The Law of One and in My Free Will.
I Release any and ALL of my Spiritual Team that is of a less then loving energies or vibrations that may have assisted me up until this NOW MOMENT with gratitude and unconditional LOVE.
In the Purity of My Being, I ask for Volunteers to join who are of the vibration of LOVE or ABOVE FULLY CONNECTED WITH THEIR HEART SPACE, CONNECTED TO DIVINE HIGHEST SOURCE, as A strong and loving team to assist in NEXT phase of my soul’s TRUEST and highest mission and purpose, with deep gratitude as they have chosen, by their free will to walk in service for the highest good of all. Thank you.
I STate and command my Spiritual Boundaries and demand absolutely no interference as I reside within Planet Earths realms or within the Universe, multi verse and beyond.
I declare and demand total termination of all false matrices and illusions that are keeping This aspect or any and all aspects of My Self from fully stepping into My Power and aligning with my SOUL’s Passion, Mission and Purpose or through any and all experiences now and immediately and into eternity.
I came Here by choice, even if I may not understand the higher knowledge and fully take back my power Now.
I clear, transmute and RELEASE any and ALL IMPLANTS, all INTERFERENCE and ALL MANIPULATION THROUGH ALL THAT IS, ALL TIME, space, DIMENSIONS AND REALITIES. Past. Present, future, and beyond, DNA, RNA, parrellels and beyond, known and unknown, that may have interfered with my SOVEREIGN BIRTH RIGHT to FREE WILL, as per The Divine Blueprint of Prime Creatpr for all of Creation and The Laws which govern this Universe and beyond.
This is irrevocable and permanent in ALL that IS, I refuse further manipulation of any and all sorts that is of a less then loving ENERGY. You have been WARNED..
I call Upon My Highest aligned tribe to be of assistance, to one another at the most comfortable and freeing of connection as We celebrate life and devote our lives to what is of the highest or services to ALL, choosing to embrace connecting at what ever level is of comfort.
Any thing that may have been left out of this invocation, statement and command, IS TOTALLY covered by the purity of THE INTENTION in which I set forth my most HIGHEST OF REGARDS AND INNOCENCE AND CLAIM THAT I WILL remember Who I AM and WHAT IT IS I CAME HERE TO EXPERIENCE and ACT WITHIN FREE WILL, enjoying Mother Earth and All things of Creation.
I call forth ALL aspects of MYSELF across ALL timelines, dimensions and realms, aligning fully to unify and intigrate in this HERE and NOW moment within the Right of Free WILL.
I DEMAND AND COMMAND FORTH ANY AND ALL, known and unknown, less then loving entities or beings from any and ALL intrusion, as I am SOVEREIGN Being of CREATION of the PUREST AND HIGHEST Source of All That IS.
I, COMMAND AND DEMAND that this invocation COVER all that is Known and Unknown by tbis or ANY Aspect of Myself, CLEARING, transmuting and DELETING ANY AND ALL LOOPHOLES AND OR HIDDEN interference OR Agendas and DEMAND ALL NULL and VOID COMPLETELY RELEASING
ANY AND ALL THAT IS Not for my Highest Good.
I AM infinitely grateful for My Sovereign standing and for my right to act and choose FREE WILL. Thank you. thank you, thank you, Yes, yes, yes and so it is.
the next part of the process you will learn how to keep yourself clear energetically and how to clear out any and all attachments and entities and how to remove any and all future attempts at invasions.
Together we can unravel from the false matrix and fully embody our higher levels of consciousness and as you learn to live with freedom you can then share and assist others into freeing themselves too.
I will I’ll be adding a recorded process tomorrow. I would love for you to make the choice to free yourself, become strong in your practice and then assist others. If you are interested in helping yourself and possibly others, be sure and contact me so you can get on board and begin experiencing a wonderful and free life.
lets do this! We where created to live wonderful and gorgeous lives. I see humanity being free and living in peace. Yes yes yes! Thank you! 💜
Many blessings and tons of love,
Kristy Lee

I offer a similar process as a signiture session for clients who may want to be guided through this process in a safe and supportive way. Often times, great insite and details are revealed as to specific cords of attachments, contracts, etheric or physical locations of entities and or implants and assistance to remove and clear from your state of being and experiences, aura work and repair is included in these sessions. If you decide that you would like to be supported during your process, I would be most honored to serve you. Many blessings, Kristy Lee