“You can be released from deep soulwounds precieved or experienced that you have came to believe as true that are hindering your life and controlling your state of being. Fragments of your soul trapped within the time of traumatic experiences can be freed and restored into the wholeness of your soul. You do not have to be a slave to these wounds or the destructive effects within your life. 
Release the battlefield of separation and fear within your mind into TRUTH and be set free. You where created to experience oneness and to be accepted, supported, adored and loved.”

Galatians 4:7 Wherefore thou art no more a servant, but a son; and if a son, then an heir of God through Christ.

I personally suffered for many years from Rejection and at different times in my life Rejection has showed it’s ugly head and taken control of my life. It’s effects have been paralyzing and destructive. I testify that through healing we are set free. 
Experiencing Rejection creates feeling signatures within your auric fields and draws to you experiences that recreate the initial wounds, eachtime becoming more intense and more painful. It is showing up as a way to guide you into healing and releasing that which is no longer of service to you. Freedom is available through healing. 
You can be set free from Rejection and be set free to live a life of love and acceptance and be free from addiction and destruction experiencing more joy. 
With Furious Love,
Source-God – Creator