Say “yes”

Say “yes”

Say “yes” to being the vibration of love, Joy, abundance this will attract floods of joy, love, abundance & well-being into your life… say “yes” to life! Much love, Kristy...
The voice of fear

The voice of fear

The voice of fear is incredibly predictable. Although there are endless variations on the theme, in one way or another it always says, “Play small and be safe.” But one of the things I’m most passionate about is this: Feeling confident and safe to...
Children & energy healing earache

Children & energy healing earache

A couple of days ago I met a sweet little two year old. He was fussy and wiggly.. it appeared that no matter what position he shifted into, it just wasn’t working for him. His big blue eyes told a story, “I don’t feel good.” His little hands...
Assension symptoms

Assension symptoms

Symptoms of Energy ShiftsIn5D December 26, 2016 As we are heading into the Age of Aquarius, new energies are encompassing our bodies and are reflected in various physiological symptoms. Within this transition of the ages, many people will begin to feel many of these...
7 stages oF Inner Transformation

7 stages oF Inner Transformation

Our world is changing. Some say nothing will be as it was before – while this can trigger fear in us, change doesn’t have to be a scary or painful process! If you look at the struggle behind adjusting to inner and outer changes you will find that...