Ride the Energetic waves with grace

Ride the Energetic waves with grace

For most of us last week was like an interdimensional call to remember our Integrity – and with it a recalibration to our true nature. While things were calm and actually enjoyable over the last weekend, the stronger the Solstice influence the stronger the need...
Be open to receive..

Be open to receive..

“By allowing ourselves to receive we are given the gift of seeing through another person’s eyes.” Giving and receiving are part of the same cycle, and we each give and receive in our own ways. But we can lose our balance when we try to be too...


Being told by someone as a way of affirming relationship security, “I will love you forever” doesn’t feel good to me, in fact, it creates a sense of anxiousness, I’ve been promised this in that past and I’ve made the same promise, but,...
Karmic loops

Karmic loops

Many, live forward with a karmic looping into backwards, with a recreated ground hog effect, characters might change but the theme of the experiences won’t, especially if living an outward kinda shift BLAME patterning .. within the dialog of the experiences.. 💜...
The energy behind judgment…

The energy behind judgment…

Has it ever occurred to you that judgements simply places you into a box with others who share similar judgments and that somehow by sharing the same judgments an error of arrogance is created as you place yourself “above” that which you judged?  On a...
Answering inbox questions..

Answering inbox questions..

I have recently received a few inbox messages where the question has arisen about what it means when someone talks or writes about unconscious awareness, being present and living in the now, it may also be something that you are questioning or wondering about also. I...