Chakra system

Chakra system

YOUR CHAKRA SYSTEM Why is it Important for me to learn about my Chakras? The following information is for you to do a self-analysis to help you increase the energy centers that you rated lowest in. By understanding what thoughts or issues may cause a chakra to...
Can you find love? ❤️

Can you find love? ❤️

How do you find love? You don’t find love by pining for it as though it is not there. YOU FIND LOVE BY LOVING YOUR WAY THERE. ​Focus on what you can express your love to now, and by the giving of your love freely and joyfully, more of the experience of love will...
Surrender and its sacred poweR

Surrender and its sacred poweR

resistance requires struggle, Surrender granTs surrenity What aspects of yourself or your life do you hope will be different in the year to come? Do you want more money, more success or more influence in your career? Are you wishing for a deeper level of intimacy and...
Motivation to move forward..

Motivation to move forward..

Motivation stems from the same latin word as emotion, motere, which means to move. I define motivation as intrinsic movement forward, to be in motion, our natural state of being. So if we have trouble with motivation and forward movement, we must ask ourselves a...
Points of perception..

Points of perception..

Points of Perspective… expand your Awareness..  “no need to argue or push your point of view, everyone is ultimately RIGHT, the differences come from the lense it is viewed’ ​Kristy lee  We all see things differently through the...