How about learning how to allow a little bit of magic into your Life?
I absolutely believe that we don’t make magic happen, WE ARE MAGIC..❤️
So today I want to share with you a neat little trick that Margarit shared with me and I put it to use and I live a Magical life and I know that if you give it a try you will soon begin to see that you are Magic too!
It’s so simple that once I tell you, you are going to say, “what, okay, but that’s too easy!” I can tell you that if you follow along it is guaranteed too work for you too!
Are you ready?
I hope so!
Because Here it is….
Simply state out loud “I wonder how the universe will give to me now ________________ that is free to me that I can enjoy and live in peace and luxury, all in the vibration of love or above, Thank you thank you thank you and so it is and so it be.”
Before asking for what it is that you desire to have given unto you, take a moment and think about something you need! If you are new to allowing blessings to appear in your life, I recommend starting with something a little bit smaller than if you are use to having the Universe work for you, the reason BEING is it takes a little time to grow your belief greater then your doubt, but, once you see your blessings appear in your life your faith grows and you are able to believe in Miracles more then you doubt. If you are use to having a Magical life, you are probably already have a pretty idea about the level of your belief, for you I challenge you to accept something greater.
I hope you guys enjoy this little trick, do me a favor and be sure and thank Margeret for sharing this with me so I could now share it with you, and please come back in and tell us about all of the miracles that land in your life!!!!
Enjoy! ❤️ Kristy Lee