Life is not happening to you it is happening through you and is unfolding perfectly for you at ALL times.
The are no accidents, no coincidences, and there is nothing that happens without a purpose, even if we cannot see it at the time the experience unfolds. It may take you months or sometimes even years to fully realize WHY a certain series of events happened. The key is to STOP acting as if these things have happened to you as a means to hurt you. Every experience that you go through is training you and hopefully teaching you a lesson, helping you to advance in your Spiritual Evolution.
If you recently experienced a loss of a relationship, friendship, a job or a home, KNOW that it is because there is something to learn, inner strength to be found, courage being developed, a lesson within letting go and trusting the process of life, often times something new is developing, new doors are opening or someone new coming to you that is more aligned for your current development needs or expanding upon your cycle of growth.
I can promise you that absolutely NOTHING happens without a reason behind it that holds deeper meaning.
In reality the Truth is ALWAYS beneath the surface, often times lurking just below your conscious awareness, under the troubled waters, beneath the waves, there is clarity IF you can get past what your ego wants you to see and SEE what IS really there, learn to quiet your mind and look below the surface. If it’s not quickly discovered learn to let go of the attachment to have to having answers revealed right now.
Once you have experienced the state of “ananda” or Bliss of Being”, there is virtually nothing that can shake you out of your peace for long. You begin to have more of a “it was an experience” a “teacher” a “opportunity to learn, grow, develop, build strength, definition, spiritual muscles, gain insight and understanding” even a “oh well” kind of an attitude towards circumstances and situations that naturally occurs with being in a place of total acceptance. It is like the Apostle Paul said, “I have experienced lack and I have experienced plenty, and I have learned to be content either way.” This state of being enables you to move from being a victim to being okay no matter what comes to you in life, you become detached to the ebbs and flows that are inevitable in this world we call Earth.
The trick is to not get stuck in “the figure it out” process when you are in a transition stage, take inventory and be brutally honest with yourself, acknowledge where you where aligned within your integrity and where you where not, if out of integrity, acknowledge that you missed the mark, course correct by shifting directions, if it doesn’t make sense yet, it’s okay, simply acknowledge that right now it doesn’t make sense and any thing else you are holding onto from the experience and then choose to release, and return into the NOW, peace is always present here.
This is a process that you can assist you with clearing the heaviness or density that often resides from experiencing difficult or painful experiences. It will assist with something you are currently going through and/or from a past experience that has been difficult to let go of and has left you with a heaviness that is weighing you down and sealing out your peace and joy.
“Even though I do not know why this happened, I acknowledged it’s for a greater purpose, and I give myself permission to be at peace without knowing the reason or meaning at this time, I am open to the reason being revealed in the future within the ah’ ha’ moments of life, I now choose to forgive myself, all others involved and forgive the experience itself and now choose to release, release, release all emotional attachments, all weight, All heaviness and density that this experience created, known and unknown, release, release, release, clear, clear, clear, and now choose peace and harmony, adjust, adjust, adjust.”
It may take repeating a few times of repeating this, but if you say this out-loud with a willingness to release what’s holding you down, you will shift and you will recognize being into a more peaceful and harmonized state.
(You may want to adjust the wording to more represent your natural expression. the format I shared will create instant shifts however using words you can say with conviction can be important for you too)
I truly love each of you, love yourself, love others and choose to live more balanced and harmonized mind, body, spirit and soul.
Love, Kristy Lee