Why the blame, shame, condemn, and make feel bad game, has a density to its energy signature, and creates a constrictive energy where being more mindful, kind, compassionate and understanding, creates a expansive energy with an openness for further expansion. 

When someone offers an idea or has behaviors that you may perceive as unacceptable and their ideals do not match our point of perception, we can simply be like, hmm “interesting point of perception.” and “they may choose this experience, and that is okay, I can choose experiences that feel more aligned for me. We can then choose to Overlook the differences and choose to focus on “what do we share in commonalities that is more in alignment.” 

It’s a guarantee that we share commonalities within our energy- thought/ feeling field or coded within past experiences with everyone who are places upon our path. It would be impossible to come within one another’s presence if there wasn’t a high enough match in similarities, even if the similarities are magnetized by opposite.

We live within a polar opposite universe and so to know something we have the ability to understand both sides. In order to experience one end we have the ability of experiencing both ends of the polarity, hence, love/hate, hopeful/ hopeless, joyful/ sad, hot/cold, tall/short, tight/ loose, kind, mean, etc etc etc, to know one we know the other, they are the same stream just different ends of then polarity spectrum, with different different degrees in between. 

One can only perceive something in another because it was at one point alive within you or, it’s something you have opened yourself up to experience with enough momentum in thought, feeling and emotion to attract the experiences into physicality.. so any way about it, everyone in our paths is perfectly placed and every experience we signed up for, not always on a conscious level but on a subconscious level guaranteed. 

If we find ourselves in judgment we might want to reflect upon what the judgment is rooted in, and most the time we will locate a fear.. 

It’s our nature as a human to want others to elevate/ expand or contact/ descend, however, forcing our ideals upon others when met with a resistance is speaking to the person “you need to change, because the way you are is not acceptable to me” and that leads to the person we are judging to feel rejected and chances are our forced approach towards changing them is denying that their souls evolution process is flawed and also creates a barrier of resistance Energy between the relationship. 

If we are more mindful of the people who are in our lives and meet each opportunity as a student/teacher, we have the capacity to expand out into our conscious awareness. 

If we find ourselves in a place where someone is sharing an idea and it doesn’t resonate responding with a honoring statement will be met with the ability to have separate ideas, yet, still be comfortable to share space. 

Refraining a statement of “no, you are wrong” into something more like, “from my point of perception, it didn’t resonate with me, however, I honor that it may resonates with you” or simply, “no thank you.” And if asked for an understanding we can choose speak in a way that flows, by standing in our power and taking ownership of our choice. “I enjoy what I do, it feels right for me.” “I choose to be in this space for now” “when you shared your idea with me, it didn’t resonate.” “I have tried this before and it didn’t provide the results I was looking for, so I choose not to experience it again” etc “when you speak to me in a accusatory fashion, I shut down and do not feel honored or valued” “I am not open to talking about this right now, it doesn’t feel comfortable to me.” “I am not comfortable talking about this subject” “I am not comfortable with this choice” “can you help me to understand what it is that you are saying or would you like to share why you made this choice?” and “no, thank you.” is always a choice you can choose un- apologetically, no need for an explanation. 

Carry on with a hmmm.. “interesting point of perception” 
“I made a decision and it’s over”
Carry on.. with what it is you decide to choose for you next. 

Making someone else feel bad is always going to restrict our relationships and ourselves. Being more mindful will always provide room for growth, it might not be instant but it certainly always creates a more expansive energy. 

💜 kristy Lee