The first time I experienced floating in the sea of energy it changed my understanding from the head space of 99.999.0 % of the universe is non matter Energy and .0001 % of the universe is matter to a holy shizzle, we can literally float in this stuff!
I was at a Qigong event and the Master had us doing this one exercise where we stood straight, legs approximately shoulder width apart and feet pointed slightly outward, arms in a relaxed position but held up in front of you as if you where hugging a barrel, keeping lower body straight, only turning at the waist and begin to turn upper body to the left, hold, back to center repeat count of 9 and switch to right side repeat 9 times and back to left, repeat etc, the instructor was excellent at speaking in a tone that was relaxing as he guided the experience, I am more coordinated with my eyes closed and so I shut my eyes and followed his voice, as he brought our awareness to being buoyant, floating in the sea of energy, and as he spoke I drifting further into relaxing, and before I knew it I wasn’t even really of any weight and soon after was afloat just as if I was in the ocean, my position was still with my feet on the ground and arms held up, but with ease could stay afloat in this position for long periods of time and at times I wasn’t solid and felt like I wasn’t separate from anything else..
I have adopted Qigong as part of my lifestyle and it’s my number one go to recommendation for everyone who might be in search of a practice that will assist with being healthier and wants to gain a little understanding on their body.
With the availability of 99.999.0 % of energy what and the heck is there a concern of running out? Isn’t it more about learning how to utilize it?
A women who was 87 years old testified to her life being sustained off of sunlight and water alone for the past 15 years following being sent home from the hospital with hospice on its way to assist her with her death sentence from stage 4 cancer.
She said she choose to live instead and followed her instincts. On the way home from the hospital she told her husband to drive her to a Qigong event she had read about starting in her area the same day, each day she gave it her all in participation and after the 5 days called her family and told them to get to the airport and to pack for a Cruz. On the Cruz she continued practice of the exercises she’d learned and felt better then she had sense she was a kid. Isn’t her will to live amazing? She said her family wasn’t ready for her to leave because they hadn’t worked out their differences and she was determined to bring everyone into harmony before she passed. 15 years after a death sentence to cancer she is alive and well!
I’ve met other people who have un-locked their bodies from the effects of Parkinson’s disease that reported in the beginning of their decision to heal the shaking was so bad they couldn’t hold a cup without spilling all the content before it made it to their mouth requiring 24/7 assistance and with determination and daily practice no longer shake at all and live better then they could have ever imagined.
If someone only had the ability to move their fingers or toes even blink their eyes over time I could just about bet little by little the flow would return and there bodies would have mobility.
I honestly have come to understand it’s not so much about form but about willingness and a right attitude with a little movement and health can be restored.
Have you had similar experiences or maybe witnessed someone else’s life transform? I would love for you to share, yes, please and thank you!