For most of us last week was like an interdimensional call to remember our Integrity – and with it a recalibration to our true nature. While things were calm and actually enjoyable over the last weekend, the stronger the Solstice influence the stronger the need to ‘do’ something became. Agitation and perhaps the feeling of looming holiday stress reached us by the beginning of last week and are now heading to its peak. We are challenged by wanting to go into our old patterns and coping mechanism again…
Adding to this, current collective events, especially in Europe (which aren’t always covered here) are indicating chaotic energies ahead of us. This leads to erratic thoughts/emotions and a general ungroundedness, which can trigger all our good intentions to go out the window. The only way to stay centered through this time now is to answer the call from our Soul to choose our heart and to not know exactly where we are standing!
But we can’t make choices or know what our boundaries are if we are running around like chicken with its head cut off. However, the bigger danger is not the headlessness, but the heart-lessness! Feeling and breathing through our heart is the the only thing that can protect us – from our own and other people’s erratic energies!
This is why so many of us are really exhausted – psychologically, but also physically; and if we are not clear about what we feel in our hearts, we may get swept away by the collective cray cray-energetic wave.
There is a flare up of chronic aliments right now which as I have learned in our HOLIDAY sessions and emergency calls, many are reporting being pretty worn out by energetic sensitivity. Remember to take Epsom salt baths and get outside. Be with people who laugh and see the goodness in life. Listen to good music. Laugh. Sing. Dance. Be kind.
For many It’ can be challenging right now to walk the higher path of our soul and to embody higher vibrational goals without being reminded on the necessity to clear old patterns still. Do not beat yourself up if you notice ego stuff coming in this week!
Choose your heart, and you can trust in the knowing that you will receive the right guidance to say or do the right thing at the right time! This was the main message that arrived through the Solstice Energies, which are part of the natural calibration of light. As the sun shifts our inner light shifts. So, in order to become more receptive for the new we have to be willing to let go of the old – Heart to heart and hand in hand we can do this.. ❤️
What is truly important to me?
What is not acceptable for me anymore?
What do I no longer need to hold onto?
Can I speak from my heart or do I choose my words?
What do I truly love?
Is there love in this thought, feeling, action or word?
If there is no love in the energy in how I am expressing myself I am not in my heart!
And if I am not in my heart, it means I’m in my ego – my fear, pain, anger or pride.
It’s in the nature of holidays and celebrations that we socialize or come together with other people. Therefore, we naturally experience a higher level of energetic bombardment, which can make a little more defensive than normal. Even though our energy household is challenged right now, be mindful of the inner doubt and self-critical thoughts are beginning to move back again…
Remember, judgment, or fear of judgment for that matter, are ego traits – it is not in the nature of love to judge, but to discern!
Discernment allows us to stay in our heart, and to know when it’s time to act or time to leave.
On the other hand,
being with other people can also help us to express ourselves more authentically. Do not avoid socialization and isolate out of fear! Practice choosing your heart! Try to see this period as an invitation of growth. Trust from your heart space and know you will grow through this experience!