Kathleen and I just heard testimony of a young mans life being restored after a long run of chaos, he spoke of surrendering into all of his fears and then opening up to the goodness of Creator to open doors and pour out miracles, he had been holding onto a unaligned relationship that was self destructive, for a good bit of time he had believed that he was “in love” yet, together they had habits that where destroying both of their lives, with patterning that consists of this kind of life style, a lot of wreckage had built obstacles to overcome, today, a home opened up for him, no credit, license, or money for deposits or rent and such, the home has furniture, dishes and even food in the pantry, he said all throughout the house was figurines of angels and such, his life began into the final spiral of chaos right after he bravely called into a healing event and surrendered to asking for prayer and healing, Derek, called forth healing of deep childhood wounds and spoke other powerful words of encouragement, Kathleen and I spoke healing as well that night and we all held vision of healing coming into fruition, this young man said that he is ready and willing to learn to love himself and will lean into God/Creator..
I might mention that he had reported other options presenting themselves but he held out until the right one of alignment arrived.. he had joy in his voice that carried a realness to it.. it was a heartfelt communion ..
If there are areas of your life that seem impossible to overcome, I am here to tell you that there is help for you too… reach out to others who believe in miracles and healing, allow them to speak life over your experiences and to hold sacred space for you as your life shifts miraculously and your blessings come into fruition.. many blessings to you all.. 💜Kristy Lee