I have recently received a few inbox messages where the question has arisen about what it means when someone talks or writes about unconscious awareness, being present and living in the now, it may also be something that you are questioning or wondering about also. I would like to share with you a few examples that may be helpful for you to understand a little bit about what it means and why it’s a good idea to be have some sort of practice to assist with being in this state.
The cool part is that most likely 💯 % of you have experienced these states of being!
1st example) While driving or riding in a car on a stretch of highway that takes very little concentration to follow the road and without much anticipation of looking for an upcoming turn or having much concern of other drivers, unless you are a super nervous driver that has two hands nervously holding the wheel and are looking out for any kind of unforeseen tragedy that may be lurking, you are most likely relaxed and are probably driving or riding along in a state of unconscious awareness, this is where you are simply just cruzing along taking in the sensory projection of what you pass by, such as trees, animals, buildings and such, the waves of light are sending a message to your eyes and is seen through a projector it creates a movie in your minds eye, very little thought goes into your experience in this space you also may be unaware or may even loose track of time.
In this state of being you are both being present and living in the now.. life is simply being experienced and interpreted just as it is, the past left behind and not too much thought about the future, you are simply in a state of presence, being present in each moment which is the NOW..
2nd example) watching a campfire, where you become mesmerized by the flames, the wood crackling and are experiencing it’s warmth, you are simply being in the moment experiencing the fire.
3rd example) sitting in a class listening to a lecture and all of a sudden you are startled by the bell ringing. You may realize that you drifted off somewhere and where not following along with the lecture and most likely have very little recollection or conscious awareness of the what was said but to your surprise are able to pull up the information on a pop quiz with little to no effort.
4th example) you are an artist of some sort and you find yourself becoming one with your creation, like maybe the paintbrush becomes an extension of you and what you are seeing in your minds eye comes to life on the canvas or pad that you are painting upon. During this experience it’s simply an outpouring of creative energies taking an external form or shape.
5th example) watch a young child play uninterrupted.
In each of these examples of being in the moment some may be saying “wait, why would I want to live like this?” Well, to answer this, it would be almost impossible to live in this state continuously within today’s lifestyle, but to understand the benefit of clearing our mind and practicing this state of being one must first understand a little bit about what happens when we grab ahold of stories through what we are experiencing and what can happen overtime by adding story upon story upon story with out any release.
You see the story and emotional charge from the experiences becomes locked within you, if it’s an experience that has a positive charge then reliving the experiences creates sensations within the body that have a lightheartedness to them, it creates a happiness or joyful state of being but if it was an experience that wasn’t so pleasant it creates tension and unease that becomes dense and heavy and each time we relive the experiences either by thinking about it, retelling the story in a disempowered way, or are triggered within a new experience by the past experiences we build to the energy and density of the stored emotions and over time it can create breakdowns within our physical body, emotional distress, panic, attachments, and over reaction to new experiences. It seals out our joy and ability to experience happiness in our everyday life, Overtime the density can create illness and or disease. Not to mention loop us into recreating Groundhog Day in our future experiences.
Learning to clear out the residue of past experiences is very freeing, it doesn’t mean digging into every thing we have experienced and bringing it all back to the surface, what it means is if something comes up to acknowledge it’s presence, thank the experience for showing up and lovingly release it, through meditation we can learn to be above the thought and overtime they dissipate, kinda like if you throw a stone into a calm pond and it creates ripples, if you don’t through another stone the water naturally flattens back out, the same is true with feeding our thoughts, if we observe the thought and do not add to the story, overtime it lessons and eventually isn’t part of our every day awareness, learning practices like qiGong, Thai chi, or yoga also assist in clearing out old memories as does energy healing. Writing is also very therapeutic as is artistic creations or physical activity of any kind really.
If you find yourself in a panicked state and want to stop the cycle, One of the quickest ways I know of is to bring yourself back into the moment, you do this by first becoming present in the room that You are in by simply
Looking around the room and acknowledging what is in the room, for example, as you look around the room what do you see? Light, switch, lamp, picture, table, rug, lamp etc.. your mind is not capable of thinking more then one thought at a time and by continuing to acknowledge what is in your space you are now present and no longer within the space of the past experiences or future worries that had you off center. If you find yourself slipping back into unhelpful thoughts repeat until it passes..
This is a lot of information packed into one post, I will do my best to break it down into future posts where some of the topics are touched upon more singularly. I hope it was of a little bit of assistance and has given you some insight.
I love you all, love yourself and love others.. 💜Kristy lee