From my point of perspective, we are all made up of energy, we simply have just slowed down in vibration to a speed that allows us to take on a physical form.
Energy Healing is an ancient art. It is used all through out the Eastern World and within the Asian coltures.
In the western world, modalities such as acupuncture and acupressure have been utilized and accepted for a very long time and if you where to research statistics you would find many cases of effective evidence where viable treatment assisted with full healings.
Now to answer your questions:, I do not have any concerns about energy healing. When I awakened to Energy Healing, I had absolutely no training or previous knowledge of what Energy Healing was, standing in my kitchen I willed my back through a stern command to heal, my bones to heal, pain to be gone and full mobility to return, it worked. Immediately. Previous to this day I had suffered for 9 months following a fracture to my l-5 S1 vertebrae, a level 2 spinal stenosis, had lost feeling in my right leg and had a drop foot, I was in 24 hour a day torture and agony, in pain management, on heavy prescribed pain medications, no relief, I believed my life was over but I wasn’t 100 % convinced. I wasn’t sure what to do because of the ententese pain and quickly deteriorating mobility, the orthopedic team wanted to do an invasive surgery, truthfully, I was terrified to let someone cut into my back, after all, what if they cut my spinal cord? Surely, that would mean, paralyzed and it seemed way too frightening to take that chance. By the 9 month of suffering, I had had enough, and that was the day I mentioned above about my kitchen.
From the moment I was instantly healed, I set out like a fool to tell others that healing worked and soon was witnessing a line of people wanting to see if I could help them as well. Sense the beginning, I have witnessed 1000’s of spontaneous Energy Healings and have sense figured out how to connect to the energies of anyone no matter where they where located around the world and I have very seldom not witnessed results. It took a while to understand what I was doing and how to read Energy and understand what came through intuitively. Of course I have taken different healing modalities and picked up a license or two, but, here is the thing, it works, you can not convince me that it holds any danger. I for one am convinced that it is the safest form of healing available. If you are curious, give it a shot, start with something like a Reiki session, and you be the judge! I can promise you one thing, if you go into your Energy Healing Session with an open mind and a little bit of a willingness to believe that it is possible to assist, the willingness alone is your key to proven success. Many blessings, 💜Kristy Lee 

Be sure to submit an email with your question, [email protected]. you are able to stay anonymous if you choose, of course if you are open I will include it being addressed to you, until next segment of ask Kristy Lee- be blessed and take excellent care of yourself..