It would be impossible to eliminate memories from the past, however, we have the ability to reframe memories, if you are in the habit of replaying the past in a way that is creating stress, pain, anger, resentment and fear, you can recreate replays that resemble strength, wisdom, courage, compassion, peace, joy, happiness and love. Only use your past as a tool to mine for gold and locate the pearls of great price, release any and all attachment that hold any part of a victim mindset.

Your past, present and future reality holds infinite possibilities and potentials, choose to increase your inner awareness, be mindful and selective of the words you speak, the emotions you feel, the thoughts you think and the ways in which you act and engage within your life, surround yourself with positive and uplifting people, be selective with what you watch and read and listen to. In the NOW you can begin to shift your reality to what ever parallel you choose. The power is within you. 🌟Kristy Lee