“I am not sure where the lifeboat, lit lamp or Latter is going to come from, but, i am willing to precieve it is here, open my Eyes Source/GoDdess/God.. i am open to receive.. show me”

​ kristyLee💖StarFire

“Every time FEAR tries to grab ahold and tell you that you can’t do it, have it or experience something you truly desire, tell fear you are NOT listening to FEAR…”

“Failure is NOT possible, failure is only GROWTH delivered in a powerful transformational package.”

“Great ease and joyous desires are truly paving the way.. I trust this place, I trust this energy, I trust Source/God, I trust a greater purpose is At Work.. “

“I trust that I am supported in EVERY way within this life’s journey and mission… “

“I choose to be FEAR Free.. “

I Choose freedom.. and ask, “what else is possible that is even greater then I can perceive? What is next? What doors are opening? What support is right here? What connections are aligned? I am not so sure but I am willing to accept that what I perceive as needs are already met but not only what I perceive but something FAR GREATeR is being aligned and that the Divine is totally supporting.,” 

EASE and GRACE is Here..’
