The out picturing physical world is simply a guidance map that leads you into a greater understanding of the makings of your inner world. 

In the Bible it is spoken to ‘Walk by faith and not by sight,’ by doing so you can shift your out pictured reality into a higher alignment. The trick is to have understanding of who you are as a Divine creation and claiming the blessings that are promised to you. 

Jesus spoke “every thing that I can do you can do also.” Jesus demonstrated within his teachings what it is like to walk in the knowingness of being one with God and utilizing the power and authority of this understanding. Jesus commanded things to occur, and they occurred. His teachings are all about restoration, love, hope grace and mercy.

Heal the sick
Make the blind man see
The deaf hear
The mute speak
Fed multitudes 
Turned water to wine
Moved mountains 
Split the sea
Walked on water
Over came death
Freed the sinner
the dead came to Life 

and Left you with the spirit of peace and took away fear.

He Discerned lower truth’s and didn’t buy into temptation, he trumped temptation with speaking the higher truth over the lower truth, the deception and the lies fell powerless to the Higher truth’s. 

And left the commandment of loving your neighbor, loving God and to love yourself. 

He also reminds you that your perception of your burdens are not yours they are Gods. 

‘As a man thinks in his heart so is he’

If you want to really truly know who you are learn from nature, study Sacred scribes in quiet places and ask for inner guidance. 

Jesus did not beg, barter and plead. He took authority and stood in the Power of God and told you to do the same thing. 

Israel is a place located on the map but the children of Israel are Gods children. You where told the lot you are given is the lot you perceive. If your lot is complicated and full of experiences you do not enjoy, set that life down and claim something higher. If you do not know how or what to claim ask to be shown. 

You are created in the likeness and image of God. You where created and called perfect. A plan for your life was designed before you came to this place we call Earth and all things that you have gone through or will ever go through are part of this plan and each experience is being worked out for the good. 

I have visited hell and hell is where I was raptured up into the overwhelming goodness of Gods Love. 

Yet, at times I still forget who I am, the power and authority that I have been granted and the blessings that are awaiting my acknowledgement, I stumble and I fall into the illusionary nature of being separated from God, separated from others, separate from the Universe, I become powerless and feel not worthy of the goodness of a great and supported life and at times I forget to love. In this illusionary state I believe what I see before me and it swirls me into the abyss of hell. I can attest that at the point of surrender I am rescued. EVERY TIME! 

When I set the intension to see myself, others and my experiences through the lens of Gods eyes and to be led to higher ground it occurs. Just like you, I am still a work in progress. Clay being formed and reformed time and time again. 

We are here to learn how to navigate within this dimension, how to create and Co-create in a more physical reality, yet the physical dimension isn’t completely physical, everything is alive and everything holds consciousness. It’s about becoming more consciously aware. 

Map your experiences to your thought life, point of focus and spoken words, if you are earnest in doing this you will quickly see the correlation. It is impossible to control your thoughts because we are all connected as a collective and the experiences of all floats through the mind but we can choose what thoughts we entertain and we can choose what we speak and focus upon. If you are spinning yourself into chaotic cycle it’s something that is most likely occurring due to a sub-conscious program that is running in the back ground that is governed by a lower truth, you can always course correct. Always! 

“Show me how it can get better then this!”

“Guide me as I walk through my life”

“Teach me how to love without conditions”

Choose to Seek the goodness in your life and you my friends will get more and more of this. If you stumble toss your burdens to the God inside and walk free under grace.. 
