When it comes to being loved and cared for by the people in our lives we often set ourselves up for big disappointments especially when we have expectations around what love and being cared for SHOULD look like and by doing so we close ourselves off from enjoying the experiences that we encounter with the person or people because somehow they didn’t express themselves in a way that met our expectations.
I know that this has been true for me in the past especially around relationships with parents, children, friends and family, in fact my judgment of how it should be created stories in my mind that eventually became visible within the relationships and over time the relationships became more and more strained as I became trapped in the illusion of abandoned, not accepted, rejected, not loved and feelings of very alone..
I was able to begin to untangle myself from these patternings when I recognized that everyone has their own way of expressing love and showing that they DO care and more importantly when I began to meet my own emotional needs and choose to turn towards loving and caring for myself I began to cherish the encounters I am gifted and eventually I lost the need to control, judge and attach myself to silly ideals and expectations of how others SHOULD BE, DO or BEHAVE.
I am not suggesting that you sign up for being abused or shit upon but instead that you place yourself at the center of your own care package and learn to honor and cherish yourself, set strong boundaries and learn to say NO when you want to and YES because that is truly what you want to say and not so much out of being a sacrificial lamb that sets yourself aside to please someone else as you build resentment and abandon you.
I truly believe that everyone does their best to survive life and to share intimacy and closeness at the level that we are capable of. Earth with its polarity hasn’t been an easy ride on the loving kindness train.. and for many experiences and family patterns have created a closed off and disconnection to diving into deeper more affectionate encounters.
The relationship with yourself is the most valuable relationship you can ever build. Please say yes to being loving and kind to you and in return you will be less needy and others will begin to mirror the way you treat yourself.. remember someone else can not fill your inner void only your inner connection to your Source can do this.. we can lift one another up and breathe hope but the deep stuff only you can fully transcend and As you clear out density, old hurts and pain you lift to higher ground and your relationships lift too.
Remember the villains in our lives are every bit as important as the saints.. there is NO such thing as an encounter that SHOULD NOT Have BEEN.. put down all the pre-conceived ideas about how others should be and let the un folding of the journey become your enjoyment..
I truly love you all.. thank you for sharing this game called life with me..