This might sound like a concept that at first you will instantly want to reject and you may reject it forever.
I am okay with that.
So here it goes…
Instead of attempting to cast inner demons out— I say feed them!
And not just a tiny snack.
Or a half eaten sandwich.
Feed them with every bit of loving kindness that you would feed your very best friend.
You see, you can’t cast yourself out of yourself and therefore attempting to cast out an inner demons creates a split in the psyche which in turn becomes a shadow aspect that rises up and haunts you through your experiences, relationships, and your relationship with yourself and most often within a state of unconsciousness that is defended by the ego that does everything in its power to keep you safe.
In order to harmonize ones Psyche it’s necessary to accept all parts of oneself. For me I refer to the different parts of a psyche as aspects or expressions.
We all have parts of ourselves that rise up and express themselves in many different ways. We have ones we most prefer and others we might wish that they didn’t exist.
It isn’t always easy to be present with some of them. However, holding space and presence for every single part of ourselves is what leads to wholeness.
Even the parts of ourselves that we would want to demonize.
Even the parts of ourselves that in the past expressed itself in ways we would not want anyone else in the whole entire world to know about.
Even the parts of ourselves that is struggling from time to time.
Even the one that feels anger, sadness, despair, grief, jealousy, rage, insecure, embarrassed, shameful, disappointment.
The mean girl. The bad ass. The one who may have participated in sexual acts that admitting to feels worst than death. The one that drank too much. Used drugs. The one that are too much. Too little. Thinks it’s fat. Too thin. Ugly.
The one who was rejected. Abandoned, teased, left behind. Critical, syndical, hateful, moody. Lazy. and on and on…
Life is made up of many different experiences and within each experience there is a scale that is often weighed as good or bad with a smorgasbord or emotional charges.
I have come to perceive experiences as preferred or not preferred in a polarized existence. With every emotion and feeling as valid. As well as all expressions worthy of loving kindness. And if I can’t be loving or kind to a part of myself that I wish that didn’t exist, I have made a promise to myself to no longer be my own abuser.
Instead of attempting to cast inner demons out of oneself I say feed them. Hold space and give them presence.
From my point of perspective This is the ticket to unification of Mind, Body, Spirit and Soul.
With Infinite Love, Grace and Gratitude,
Kristy Lee