Our world is changing. Some say nothing will be as it was before – while this can trigger fear in us, change doesn’t have to be a scary or painful process! If you look at the struggle behind adjusting to inner and outer changes you will find that it’s just our ego reacting out of fear of not being in control. Embracing change means we understand that most of our struggles come from our ego’s inertia trying to keep the illusion intact that the world is ‘safe’ and ‘controllable.’
Every time you challenge your ego your energy is forced to shift, rearrange, realign and adjust. A common self-reflection practice in active consciousness and spiritual healing work is to seek opportunities to call out and overcome our ego!

Transcending Ego is nothing but learning how to overcome inner energetic dissonances. An energetic dissonance is an imbalance or block that prevents our energy from being properly metabolized, in other words, areas in our energy body where our energy flow is stuck, misguided, or cut off. They can reflect in mental, emotional, physical and spiritual imbalances or even dis-eases.
Most inner dissonances are retracted from collective human conditioning, Karmic Propensities, False Self projections, and Ego Illusions. Others can be the result of etheric attacks, inner fragmentation or collective energy shifts as we are experiencing right now in increased intensity . The common cause of inner energetic dissonance is however the lack of inner heart connection (often created through being in the mind too much).
The less our energy is stuck, the better the flow, the greater your life force and joy of living! Just like every cell in our physical body is pretty much completely rebuilt and renewed cell by cell (with a few exceptions) within 12 months, our entire energetic body recodes and rebuilds itself constantly – just a lot faster, if we know how to do it!
The fastest way to make changes or self-corrections in our lives is to align ourselves to Truth. Based on the understanding that everything is energy, we can learn to allow everything to be a mirror reflection of our inner energy – our kids, our partners, our job, our pets, our house, our car, our friendships, everything! Do these reflect who you truly are? What do they reflect: Love or Negligence? Radiance or Numbness? Judgment or Compassion? Expansion or Contraction? Entropy or syntropy? If you can manage to allow a fearless and honest inner reflection – total truth – you will be offered a choice: You can leave things the way they are or we can make corrections as you go.
Actively facilitating energetic self-reflection and energetic adjustments calls our energy to renew itself and functions like cross training for our energetic immune system. However, with the emphasis being on ‘active’, it is important to understand that transcending our ego is most powerful when voluntarily chosen.
Having a choice is the result of living according to our own virtue and sovereignty.
Reading, talking, constantly asking or philosophizing without following through and walking the talk doesn’t transcend ego, it promotes it! Spreading wise phrases on the one hand and acting self-indulging and projecting specialness on the other is an expression of our ego’s importance. It cements our illusion of control and keeps us imprisoned in our collective unconscious. Nothing is transcended or changed through advertising or holding on to illusions. It increases our energetic plaque and prevents the flow of love and light in our life.

The main objective in self-healing work is consciously experiencing a reflection of our own energetic system, so that dissonant energies can be actively addressed. By honestly looking at our entire energy body we can learn to identify areas or aspects of lower/slower vibration. Active Self-Reflection empowers us to deal with inner aspects through developing self-understanding, compassion and self-forgiveness.
We can begin our deeper self-reflection process by connecting within and allowing our intuition to pinpoint our main resistances and then go form there. Wherever we feel the most energetic, emotional or mental charge we go deeper.
In deeper self-reflection then, in which we connect with the healing energy of our heart-center, we learn to silence our mind (through regular meditation or energy work sessions for example) and learn to shift our perception from inner dissonance to resonance. We connect with our True Self and thus strengthen our inner light to illuminate truth. Viewing our inner disharmonies from the heart’s rather than the ego’s perspective allows us to realize that all our previously discovered or revisited inner dissonant aspects, Shadow for example, can be transformed and healed!

The following 7 Stages of Self-Reflection are not to be understood as sequential steps, but rather cycles, in which we dedicate our intention to a specific healing as needed:
1. Sensing
Do I feel connected? How do I feel? What can trigger my lower states? What am I aligned to?
2. Connecting Within
Am I able to truly connect with my True Self and Others? What is in the way? Fears, Judgment, Programs, Emotional and Mental beliefs?
3. Karmic Clearing
What are my energetic ties and binds? What have I lost/given away or what was taken away?
4. Self-Clearing
What are my hidden fears and secret ego pay-offs? What are my ego-pains, patterns, cycles and spirals?
5. Self-Healing & Integration
Am I living my fullest potential? What is holding me from finding my true purpose?
6. Remembering
What is my true nature? What do I truly want? How am I connecting with myself and others? Who am I? What do I need?
7. Applying
What needs to be transcended? Where am I not congruent? Is my life in harmony?
With the focus on truthful
self-reflection we will notice the centered position of Self-Clearing. It marks our intention to take full responsibility for your energy and teaches us to independently address aspects as they arise. This is of significance, as Self-Clearing will become one of our major tools on our inner journey.
Yes, the process of self-reflection also involves facing hidden or darker inner aspects! But we can also see this as part of educating ourselves about ourselves. We fear what we don’t know. So, the more we learn about our own energy, triggers and attachments, the less frightening it will become to face it!
Fear, anger and pride are very common when engaging in active self-reflection. If your ego reacted a bit while reading this and you still continued, you just experienced what transcendencing ego feels like!
While most of our hidden aspects are unknown or unidentifiable for us in the beginning, our ego still reacts to dissonances. This is normal. Ideally, we learn to observe our inner dissonances from the standpoint of how they affect our energy bodies rather than something to avoid. With our dedication to face our ego it becomes easier and less of a struggle! This is the secret of transcending one’s ego.