three questions for inner clarity..Shared from 21 day challenge with Deepak Chopra..
I invite you to explore the inner makings of your world and to choose and harmony..
After years of chaos and confusion I began to search for better ways of living a more harmonious life. It is my life passion to share with you techniques that work for me and to bare witness that living with mind-body-spirit balance is available for you too.
By connecting with my true self, in meditation and in every day life, the less lonely i feel. I feel less needy and more generous. I feel more present in my being and that my soul is present in me in every day life. That I have got a deeper, more stable sense of me. That I am good enough. I have made the counsious decistion to stop blame myself.
Satsang: Finding Joyful Communion ~ One way I can make my interactions even more positive and uplifting is to have one-on-one time to really connect with my friends and soul family. Even if it is for a short time often the most meaningful interactions can be short lived but last a lifetime. Taking those moments when doing something routine or mundane can have a meaningful experience. Connecting with the eyes and looking into someones soul can have a positive effect. It’s the power of now and really that is all there is. So much of life today is people rushing around going from one event to another. While they are in the event they are thinking about the next event. Not really fully experiencing where they’re at. The gift is in the moments between the moments, the stillness, the slowing down the tiny things you notice when your stop and recognize that this is ‘it’ this is the gratitude in these moments, this will lead to joyful communion, that will lead to bigger things.
Often when a person is seen they can feel the connection right away and a beautiful energy can be projected out and into the heart of another person. Children recognize this right away. Watch a child who isn’t getting enough attention and they act out.
They are looking for that deeper connection. Now watch them when you slow down enough to just watch and ‘be’ around them. Look at the them without saying anything and just notice them. When I do this I find that it’s inspiring and adds to more positivity into my life! It’s that moment when they know that, they are being seen and heard. Here’s to finding joy like the centering thought and mantra teaches us today with Satsangs ’ I am uplifted by communion with others. ~and ~ Let us be together in harmony.
I am sharing with you the following questions that Deepak Chopra shared during a recent 21 day meditation challenge..
Question 1: Reflect on your path in life from the inside out. What influences have been the most effective in expanding your awareness? Write down the three most important, such as an inspiring friend or family member, uplifting literature, a spiritual guide, a mentor, a situation where you acquired any of the qualities of the true self, such a love, peace, creativity, compassion, personal evolution, etc. Now journal about new ways to increase that
Question 2: Now think about the opposite, reflecting on the people and situations that have caused your awareness to contract. These would be instances of fear, self-doubt, inner conflict, betrayal, frustration, and disappointment. Write down the three most difficult influences, then describe one step you can take today to turn contraction into expansion, meaning that what you gain by making a change is greater than what you give up. This could be increased inner calm, decreased stress, a stronger sense of self, etc.
Question 3: The ideal at every stage of the path is to be at peace with yourself in the present moment. Write down your state of peace right now, listing the positive things that contribute to it and the negative factors that create lack of peace. Journal about how you can increase the peace in your life and decrease conflict.
many blessings to you.. from my heart to yours.. ❤️
“peace begins within… when you world reflects chaos, turn towards yourself with love and compassion.. be willing to love and accept yourself , understand chaos is simply an alarm alerting you to shift direCtions and nurture your soul”. Much love,