Every decision can be used as the correct decision in your life if you are able to perceive you are choosing exactly what you need based upon what you need to learn in your life right now. 

If you have found yourself in a series of harsh lessons and feel like you are in a state of indecision you have still made a decision. 

The universe doesn’t stop, you have simply made the decision to let life make the decision for you and if your mindset is with lack, limitation, resentment, anger, grief, fear, the experiences that will be offered to you will resemble the emotional charge of those thought patterns.

At any point in time you can choose something else. You do this by releasing the past and then you choose to experience life through the lens of gratitude, joy, prosperity and visualize your relationships being of a higher more aligned experience and the world offering you presents instead of hardship.

If you don’t know how to create a life you will enjoy ask to be shown, speaking these simple words will assist you; “show me how it can get better then this.” “THANK YOU”

You can then simply discern the offerings. You do this by asking yourself a series of questions:

1. Does this experience offer support?

2. Do I shrink in the site of this decision or do I expand?

3. Am I standing within my value system if I choose this experience?

4. Am I choosing to spend my time with people that see their own worth and do they see mine?

5. Am I settling for the job, the mate, the friendships that keep me stuck?

6. Can I grow within this experience in a way that will be joyful and pleasant?

7. Am I honoring myself?

8. Am I making me small to make someone else big?

9. Is this choice aligned with my purpose?

10. Is this choice aligned with my passion?

11. Is this choice creating something that resembles me expressing myself as my higher me, is the ripple effect of my choice creating ripples that assist the all?


Flood your life with life giving substance, change your mindset, change your perspective, choose to become a really great choice maker and take the steps that will lead you into what you truly desire. 

You can do this. The whole universe is supporting you no matter if you are making choices to experience a harsh life or a life you desire. 

Remember the man who looks outside will stay trapped in a dream the man who goes within SEES! It’s a paradox.. 

Choose your thoughts, feelings, words and actions based upon life giving substance and you can live a really great life. 
